
A Nice Castle

If you’ve tried to visit the Minecraft server and have been told that you must apply we can help you get whitelisted fairly quickly if you wish. But we need to verify that you and our community are a good fit for one another. So, there are some steps to go through.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Minecraft server(s) hosted by Cianaodh Media, you will need to:

  1. Read the Rules and FAQ along with our Terms and Privacy Policy to make sure we’re a good fit. By proceeding past this step you signify your agreement to all of these.
  2. Contact us with answers to the questions below these instructions.
  3. Join the discord server and introduce yourself in the #general channel to let our members know more about who you are and what you’re looking for. Current members are encouraged to be active in the new member application process by replying to prospective new members. DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP! This is usually the first thing we check to see if a new application is pending.
  4. If you are new to Minecraft, let us know that. We love to help people who haven’t tried Minecraft before learn the ways of the game. If you have previous Minecraft experience, maybe share a screenshot of your character in your favorite skin along with something you’ve made that you are proud of. Give people something to talk with you about. You might find some friends with common interests.

Feel free to contact Andarius68 on discord or email a brief message indicating 1.) you are over 18 and interested in joining the server, 2.) your Minecraft player name and 3.) where you heard about us to the admin at cianaodh [dot] og [at] gmail [dot] com and we will process it for you as soon as possible.

The approval process averages between 5 minutes to 3 days…

…depending on how lazy the admins are feeling or how busy life is. We try to verify the age and reputation of every applicant, so the more information you voluntarily provide the faster this process will go! You’ll be able to build once your application is approved.

While waiting on approval:

  • Feel free to get to know the community on our discord server.
  • Read some of our stories on the blog such as My Rétglainn Occulti Story

Remember, Cianaodh Media is an adult communityThose under 18 years of age need not apply unless a parent or guardian in the community can vouch for them.

If you have any questions about this process please feel free to Contact Us.

Why apply for access on CubeHaven? Well, in the past we tried running public servers. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to spend our time building epic things, writing thought provoking stories, designing custom dungeons and quests and generally having a good time creating things like we all love to do. But, instead we spent an overwhelming amount of time dealing with the plethora of miscreants on the internet who use hacked clients, cheats, duping techniques, and other things to go around from server to server spreading grief and toxicity to ruin the game for others.

We decided, this is no way to enjoy a good game and community. That’s why we opted to whitelist the server and have an application process to join for member access. We just want to make sure you’re a legit person who could pass for 18 years of age or older and are actually someone who wants to be a part of the community, giving us a chance to be your Minecraft server home of choice.

Exceptions For Some Minors

Some exceptions are made for minors when an adult on the server is a parent or guardian of a minor for whom they can vouch. Such players have the [Minor] tag online so all parties are aware this person is a minor and to behave accordingly. Minors do not have access to Adults Only portions of the server.

We Like To Socialize

If we have questions, we’ll contact you back. If you are not of age but have a parent or guardian who is a member and they can vouch for you we can make arrangements for that as well. Use the contact form to get in touch with the admins.

At the end of the day, we just want to have some fun and chill with some cool people.